Many people with meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) are completely unaware that they have any issue, while others have one or more of the symptoms below:
- Dry eye
- Burning
- Irritation
- Stinging
- Itching
- Red eyes
- Gritty feeling
- Foreign body sensation (as if a grain of sand, or an eyelash is in your eye)
- Blurred, or fluctuating vision
- Light sensitivity
- Tearing
- Red, swollen, or thickened eyelids
- Dilated small blood vessels on the eyelid margins and/or overlying the white of the eye
- "Dandruff" in your eyelashes
- Contact lens intolerance
- Styes, chalazia and/or cellulitis involving your eyelid(s)
- Corneal erosions, infiltrates and ulcers resulting in scarring and, potentially loss of vision
- A pink, or reddish appearance of eyelids
- Symptoms often worse in the morning